ST Dominic's pupils have raised a whopping £8,220.25 for Trócaire’s Zimbabwe Appeal.

Pupils from Year Eight and Nine in St Dominic’s met with Fr O’Hagan from the hit group The Priests, to present him with a cheque for the money raised. Also in attendance was Brian Quinn from the school who was responsible for collecting all of the donations.

Pupils helped raise the money through a variety of events and activities including bake sales, coffee mornings, sponsored silences, sponsored walks as well as the sale of homemade jewellery as well as holding numerous raffles.

Pupils from classes 8E and 9A were amongst the classes who raised the most. Pupils threw themselves into the project, organising the events, as well as artwork and posters to advertise their efforts and encouraging older pupils to take part in their events.

The money raised is also tied in with the recent Trócaire concert which was held in Clonard Monastery, in which The Priests and Derry soprano Margaret Keys performed, as well as featuring a performance by St Dominic’s School Choir. This event was praised by Siobhán Hanley, Trócaire’s Head of Region Northern Ireland as an unqualified success, and saw 800 people pack into Clonard to see the concert.

Siobhán Hanley said: “This will be used to support thousands of people in Zimbabwe to grow their own food and feed their families. Zimbabweans face critical food shortages in the coming months due to failed rains, and farmers are estimating they will lose 75 per cent of their harvest.

The money raised by the appeal will also be matched by the UK Aid Match, meaning the total raised will be £16,440.50.

The final appeal does not close until 1 June, and public donations will continue to be matched until then.. Donations can be made by visiting or calling 0800 912 1200.