A NORTH Belfast Pre-School Nursery is to relocate for the upcoming academic year due to engineering works.

Stepping Stones Pre-School Nursery, based in St Gerard’s Community Hall off the Antrim Road will relocate to premises at the neighbouring Our Lady of Lourdes (Park Lodge) Primary School for the entire 2022/23 academic school year.

The move to vacate is due to major engineering works which are due to commence on the access road to the lands at the former St Clements Retreat.

In a statement, Stepping Stones Management Committee said: "The Stepping Stones Committee would like to inform all its friends, neighbours and stakeholders that from this coming September and for the entirety of the 2022/23 academic school year, we will be temporarily relocating our nursery services to the premises of the neighbouring Park Lodge Primary School.

"All parents and guardians of incoming children have been recently notified about this change.

"This move is to vacate the St Gerard’s community hall site as we have been recently informed that major engineering works are due to commence on the access road to the lands at the former St Clements Retreat.

"We have also been informed that these engineering works are due to start in Autumn 2022 and could take up to nine months to complete. This timeframe cuts across our academic year causing significant safety and operational challenges to Stepping Stones." 

The spokesperson said that spite of best efforts to find a workable solution to remain in the community hall, it is is just not possible.

"However, the health, safety and wellbeing of each child, parent, guardian, visitor, and staff is our absolute number one priority.

"If we were to stay, we simply could not guarantee anyone’s safety as they enter a live construction site. Health, safety and well-being have been the key factors in our discussions which have led to this decision to temporarily relocate.

"We would like to take this opportunity to place on record our sincere gratitude and thanks to Principal Sean Merrick, his staff and the Board of Governors at Park Lodge Primary School for accommodating this temporary move so swiftly and professionally.

"We look forward to playing a full and active role in the Park Lodge school community during our time there.

"We thank you for your understanding and support during this period of transition. We look forward to returning to St Gerard’s Community Hall by Summer 2023 to prepare for the academic year 2023/24. We have received assurances from project representatives that this will be the case."