A WEST Belfast councillor has met with police to address the growing issue of drug dealing in and around the Royal Victoria Hospital.

Earlier this year we reported that the PSNI had carried out foot patrols in and around the hospital's emergency department (ED) to target drug dealing. Today the BBC reported that there have been 22 reports of drug dealing at the RVH in 2024, again including the emergency department.

“People will be shocked at reports of open drug dealing at the Royal Victoria Hospital’s emergency department (ED), but unfortunately I have been hearing these stories for some time," said SDLP Cllr Paul Doherty. "An ED can be a very difficult place at the best of times and the last thing an ill person, their family or hard pressed staff want to be dealing with is criminal activity taking place in an area which provides emergency healthcare.

“I met with police this week to discuss this issue and they provided reassurance that they are on top of this and had already made several arrests. I’m glad to hear that they have taken a targeted approach and I know that staff have been actively engaging with them to try and address this.

"There must be a joined up-approach to end this, but I would also appeal to the people dealing and taking drugs to think about what they are doing – causing further upset to sick people, many of whom are at their most vulnerable. 

“Our hospitals should be a place where people can be comfortable and access the care they need. Instead we have staff at the end of their tether, struggling to meet the huge demands for care while putting up with anti-social behaviour and substance misuse. Patients and staff deserve better and we have to get this situation under control.”

The Belfast Trust said it is "working closely with PSNI colleagues and local community representatives to address this worrying trend."