ARDOYNE republican Jimmy Donnelly will be remembered as "fearless" and a "gentle, kind, humorous and loving human being".

The Farringdon Court man passed away in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Jackie Donnelly, from Ardoyne, Bone and Ligoniel Republican ex-prisoners, said Jimmy's sudden passing has had a "profound effect" on him.

"When I received the phone call yesterday, time kind of stood still as I very slowly and very reluctantly began to accept the reality that I'd never again in this world have the pleasure of seeing such a man as Jimmy D.

"Most people will undoubtedly remember Jimmy as a fearless and active Óglach, which he most certainly was.

"I saw Jimmy rising through the ranks of Na Fianna Éireann and even at that young age he showed qualities that belied his age.

"He naturally progressed into the ranks of Ardoynes A Coy, 3rd Battalion, Belfast Brigade and Irish Republican Army.

"Jimmy made himself available for active service 24-7. If there was an operation being mounted against the state forces – and these occurred on a daily basis – Jimmy wanted to play a part, any part on it. He had no ego. No role was too small for him and by the same token no role was too big for him. If it needed done he'd do it.

"When he was eventually arrested and charged with alleged IRA operations made by paid perjurer Christopher Black he was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment in the H-Blocks where he easily settled in.

"The protest had ended at this time and Jimmy, who had a great admiration and respect for those men who took part in the blanket protest, soon became close friends with them.

"As luck would have it Jimmy was in H7 after being sentenced and played an active part in the great escape when he and 37 other republican prisoners managed to break out of the block.

"When asked if he had any regrets about going on the escape and if he'd do it again Jimmy D smiled and replied that he'd do it again in a heartbeat. That was Jimmy all over.

"I could honestly write a book on Jimmy D's fight for Irish freedom. The old IRA may have had Dan Breen, we were privileged to have Jimmy Donnelly."

Jackie said Jimmy was also a good father and grandfather.

"There was nothing he wouldn't do for his family," he added.

"I will never forget Jimmy's role as an active service volunteer but I'll remember him even more for being a gentle, kind, humorous and loving human being."

Jimmy's remains will leave his family home, 43 Farringdon Court on Monday (December 26) before making its way to the Garden of Remembrance. An oration will be given by Seán Maguire.

Jimmy's remains will then be brought back to his home, remaining there until 8am on Tuesday morning before cremation.