TRIBUTES have poured in for St Malachy's GAC stalwart Sean Bannon who passed away on Friday.
Sean filled almost every role in the South Belfast club, from chairman to secretary, bus driver to kit washer and everything in between.
He was also a founding member of the Now Group - a social enterprise that supports people into employment, training and volunteering - while also driving the bus to bring children to school, and served as a volunteer and treasurer of the group.
In his downtime, Sean could be found in Casement Social Club, holding court with his infectious personality making him a popular character.
He will be remembered as a man who gave of himself selflessly to help others, a man who lived life to the full and whose loss will now be deeply felt.
Sean with Maeve Monaghan of NOW welcoming Lord Mayor Arder Carson to the NOW cafe on Grosvenor Road in 2015
"We have been blessed to spend precious time with dad in hospital and over the last week in the hospice and have had the most beautiful experience," his son Damien posted on behalf of the family.
"Dad was the happiest dying men I've ever known surrounded by loved ones and as only dad can, unashamedly sharing his love for us and for his life, those precious hugs and kisses and telling us how much he loved us, as if we didn't already know. All with the broadest smile and kindest eyes attesting to a man that had a fulfilled and wonderful life. Love and happiness filled the room and has filled out hearts.
"The wonderful staff who cared for dad at the hospice whether they liked it or not got the same treatment.
"I have the pleasure in saying that he was all those things to me, my inspiration, moral compass and leader, best friend, team mate, drinking buddy, manager, coach and minibus driver to school and football matches but I can trump you all by saying he was purely and simply the best dad anyone could ever wish for. We will miss you but will be forever privileged and grateful to be your sons."
— St Malachy’s GAC (@stmalsbelfast) April 22, 2023
St Malachy's GAC also paid tribute to their late member, reflecting on the life of a genuine club legend.
"The club are saddened to learn the news that club legend Seán Bannon has passed away," they said.
"Seán was a club stalwart who had dedicated much of his life to St Malachy’s without people like Seán our club wouldn't be here. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bannon family circle at this time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis."
Sean's remains will leave his late home 5 Hawthorn View on Tuesday at 11am for 11.30am Requiem Mass in St Joseph's Church Hannahstown followed by burial at the adjoining Cemetery.