HUNDREDS of people turned up for a coffee morning in Andersonstown to raise money for Medical Aid Palestine with the group raising over £1,200 for the cause.

Christine Poland of Tullymore Beacons Women's Group said the morning was a way for those who have been emotionally affected by what has happened during Israel's ongoing onslaught on Gaza to come together and raised much-needed funds.

Christine said: “The aim was to raise money for Medical Aid Palestine as well as our jewellery stall which is raising money for personal hygiene items for women and nappies and other items for babies.

“It’s been a brilliant turnout and people have been incredibly generous. We have raised over £1,000 so far and the day isn’t even half over yet. A lot of the items today such as the scones, cakes, buns and jewellery etc is all homemade which people have brought in and then bought back themselves in order to donate for Palestine.

“It was organised by Tullymore Beacons Women’s Group and we have found that people are just so heartbroken by what is happening in Gaza. Innocent people who have nowhere to go and people feel compelled to do something."

TOGETHER: Attendees of Tullymore Beacons Women's Group's coffee morning for Palestine

TOGETHER: Attendees of Tullymore Beacons Women's Group's coffee morning for Palestine

Christine said the coffee morning was a way for people who haven't been able to make it to the marches to come and do something to help Palestinians.

“People are going to marches and rallies and the whole BDS movement is very active but some people can’t make it to marches etc, so this an opportunity for those people who still wanted to do something to come out and people have come out in droves.

“We’ve very thankful to Tullymore for letting us use the centre – it was an opportunity to give people the chance to do something because people's hearts are broken.”

Michael George of Upper Andersonstown Community Forum said: "We were delighted to host Tullymore Beacons Women's Group for their coffee morning for Medical Aid Palestine. They put in a lot of effort for the event and it's great to see how many people have come along."