PUPILS from Good Shepherd Primary School have given a big thumbs up to the environmental works breathing new life into a plot of waste land at Springbank in Poleglass.

The half-acre site, fenced off for years, unused and naturally rewilded, has been donated by Woven Housing to become an ecological haven for the whole community.

A partnership between Good Shepherd Primary School, the Turnaround Project, Colin Glen Trust, Woven and tenants at Springbank is helping to transform the land from a secluded derelict space into a community Greenspace with raised vegetable beds and accessible outdoor classroom, with nature encouraged through bird boxes, wildflower patch and bug hotel.

The Good Shepherd ‘Eco Council’ visited the site to check on progress and gave the work a big thumbs up.

Following a biodiversity potential study, the land was cleared, a Sustainable Drainage System and raised beds were installed and now the land is being levelled and seeded.

An unveiling of the new Greenspace is planned for late Spring/early Summer, allowing tenants, school children, and the wider community to access the site, enjoy the space and appreciate the importance of nature.