YOUNG West Belfast hero Dáithí Mac Gabhann has officially been given the Freedom of the City during Tuesday's Belfast City Council meeting at City Hall.
Sinn Féin Councillor Michael Donnelly said the motion was a “poignant” way for the current councillors to bow out with this month’s election on the horizon.
“We all came into the council in 2019, as a council we have brought through many important issues, and I think that the best way for this council to finish its term is by awarding a prestigious award to young Dáithí.”
The Sinn Féin man congratulated the hard work and dedication from the Mac Gabhann family in their success in seeing Dáithí’s Law being passed. 

“I want to congratulate his dad Máirtín, mum Seph, and all his family by showing guts and determination in fighting to get Dáithí’s Law passed in parliament. We commend the work you have done.”
Lord Mayor, Tina Black spoke about Dáithí’s ‘Key to the City’ award calling it a “well-deserved award for such an inspiring young man and his family.”
Deputy Lord Mayor Michelle Kelly said the honour was the highest that the Belfast City Council could bestow upon a citizen but the least they could do to honour young Dáithí.
“Dáithí will be the youngest recipient by a long stretch, it is the highest civic honour we could award, but the least we could do. As Máirtín (Dáithí’s father) said, ‘exceptional things come to exceptional people’, and through his campaign he will save many lives.”
Councillor Michael Collins also offered his party, People Before Profit, support for the Mac Gabhann family and touched on his “delight” at the passing of Dáithí’s Law although some people had to be “dragged” to get it finalised.

 “PBP and I offer full support to young Dáithí and his family. I was delighted to see the law get approval and finally get over the line even though some people had to be dragged. He is an example of the amazing humanity within the city of Belfast.”
Dáithí himself spoke at the Council meeting and thanked all members in a very wholesome moment in what proved to be the current council's final motion with this month’s election imminently approaching.
Dáithí’s Law will come into effect from June 1st, 2023. It will introduce a soft opt-out system whereby people will automatically become organ donors unless they state otherwise.