ANTRIM GAA clubs won top prizes for their promotion of the Irish language at Croke Park.

Fifty-five GAA clubs from all over Ireland were presented with the Joseph McDonough medals at a special event at Croke Park on Friday 2 December.

The medals were awarded to clubs in recognition of the work they did during 2022 to promote the Irish language on the ground in the associations, and to increase the use and visibility of the language among the membership of the clubs. This year saw the largest number of medals ever awarded, which happened directly because of the significant increase in participation in the scheme nationally. Thirty-six bronze medals were awarded on the night, as well as sixteen silver and three gold medals. Some well-known Antrim and Down clubs picked up silvers including Lámh Dhearg from Hannahstown and Tír na nÓg GAC in Randalstown. East Belfast GAA also picked up a bronze medal. 

Six Clubs from Co. Antrim were recognised on the night: Oirthear Bhéal Feirste CLG (East Belfast), Conn Mag Aoidh CLG (Glenravel) and Mac Uílín CLG (Ballycastle) were awarded the bronze, Lámh Dhearg CLG (Belfast),  Ruairí Óg CLG (Cushendall) and Tír na nÓg CLG (Randalstown) were awarded with silver medals.

Fondúireacht Sheosaimh Mhic Dhonncha is a joint partnership between Glór na nGael and Cumann Lúthchleas Gael. The scheme aims to increase the use and visibility of Irish in GAA clubs throughout the country. Clubs are awarded medals in recognition of their work in promoting the language at club level, and among members of their local communities.

In her speech on the night, Gráinne McElwain, Chairman of the National Gaelic GAA Committee, praised the work done by the clubs. She said that the footprint of the foundation can be seen in GAA clubs from all over the country – between Irish language signage, family days, Irish language classes, question times and much more.

Caitríona Nic Seoin, Development Manager with Glór na nGael, says that there have been significant changes to the scheme in the past year and that particular emphasis has been placed on the national movement and the partnership between clubs. This is achieved through regular forums between clubs, joint events with local councils, and the Foundation's National Blitz competition, which has started this year. She especially congratulated the three clubs that won a gold medal in 2022, and said that the judges were impressed with the commitment and loyalty they showed to the language, and the collaboration between them and their local communities.