A DECISION on a controversial Orange Order parade in North Belfast is imminent amid heightened tensions in the area.

The Parades Commission met on Wednesday to discuss a new application for a "homeward return parade" on the Crumlin Road on the morning after the Twelfth. It comes after Ligoniel Loyal Order had originally applied to the Parades Commission to parade past Ardoyne on the evening of July 12.

The controversial return Twelfth parade past Ardoyne, Mountainview and the Dales was the scene of violent clashes in the past and has not taken place since 2016.  

In 2016, Crumlin Ardoyne Residents' Association (CARA) signed an agreement with the Ligoniel lodges with both sides making concessions that ended a long-running dispute over marching in the area, including no evening return parade past Ardoyne shops.

Last Friday, the Orange Order said they have abandoned plans for a return parade on July 12 but instead submitted an application for one the following morning at 10am.

On the Parades Commission website, there is an application for a 10am parade on July 13 for the ‘Ligoniel Lodges Combine’ along with the Pride of Ardoyne Flute Band. The route is listed only as Woodvale and Crumlin Roads. The parade application is marked on the website as ‘sensitive’.

The Orange Order say they have made a "genuine and serious attempt" to overcome differences and as a solution to address the contention surrounding the evening return by proposing its replacement with a morning homeword return parade on the 13th of July. 

“This magnanimous and serious effort underscores our commitment to finding a fair, peaceful and lasting solution," they said.

CARA said there has been no consultation or discussions concerning a return parade on July 13 and accused the Orange Order of acting in "bad faith". The group have now applied for a counter protest on July 13 should the proposed parade be granted permission by the Parades Commission.

Another group, Greater Ardoyne Residents’ Collective (GARC), rejected the Orange Order proposal.

“That’s a non-runner as far as GARC is concerned because we are opposed to all sectarian parades, whether in the morning or in the evening,” they said in a statement.