IRISH language signage for two West Belfast streets and one North Belfast street has been approved by Belfast City Council.

At Tuesday night's People and Communities Committee, members approved requests to erect a second street nameplate in Irish at La Salle Drive (Céide La Salle) and Suffolk Parade (Paráid Suffolk) in West Belfast and Hopefield Avenue (Ascaill Hopefield) in North Belfast.

Fifteen per cent of the total numbers of residents surveyed in the streets voted in favour of a second street sign in Irish.

Last month, Ardilea Drive in North Belfast became the first street to have Irish language signage under the new Belfast City Council policy approved.

For La Salle Drive, 45 occupiers (72 per cent) were in favour of the erection of a second street nameplate. Two occupiers (three per cent) were not in favour and 16 occupiers (25 per cent) did not respond to the survey.

In Suffolk Parade, 14 occupiers (54 per cent) were in favour and 12 occupiers (46 per cent) did not respond to the survey.

For Hopefield Avenue, 41 occupiers (34 per cent) were in favour, one occupier (one per cent) was not in favour of the erection of a second street nameplate and one occupier (one1 per cent) had no preference either way and 78 occupiers (64 per cent) did not respond to the survey.

Belfast City Council said there is a cost of approximately £750 to cover the cost of the manufacturing and erection of the dual language street signs.