A WEST Belfast model is calling on the local community to back her fundraising drive ahead of her appearance in Miss Belfast next month.
With the clock ticking down to June 9, 21-year-old Katie McErlean from Andersonstown is raising funds for Cancer Research UK by taking part in the Seven Peaks of the Mournes challenge this week and the Race For Life.
“I got through into the Miss Belfast in March,” said the former St Louise’s student. "I looked into it beforehand and it looked like a positive, good place if you want to do anything charitable. and it gives you a really good platform to do it.
"Whoever wins this heat will be Miss Belfast and will go on to represent Belfast in Miss GB. It’s not a grand finale, it’s a heat and there are 13 of us and it’s a really tough line-up this year.
“In our final in the Merchant on the 9th of June, there will be four rounds – an interview round, a two-minute pitch, and then there’s going to be an evening gown round and there will be a swimwear round.”
Katie, who works in marketing and is also a fire dancer, says she’s not nervous ahead of the big night.
“I used to do a lot of theatre and acting so I’m not super nervous. I start to get nervous as things start to happen, but until then I’m super excited.”
Part of the pageant involves fundraising for charity.
“When I saw one of the charities was for Cancer Research that was very personal for me as both my granda and granny passed away from cancer. My granny had pancreatic cancer which is one of the least researched cancers that you can get.”
Because its personal for Katie, she is challenging herself this week, taking part in the Seven Peaks challenge as well as taking part in a Race for Life 5k this Sunday.
To contribute to Katie’s fundraising page click here https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/katie-mcerleans-fundraising-page