THE housing issue in the North of Ireland was not caused by refugees; it is caused because we live in a very segregated society that is divided by sectarianism, caused by partition.

People across the North grow up in streets divided by gates and walls. Some grow up not evening meeting the people at the end of their street or in their neighbourhood. It is very easy for some to put the blame on refugees when it’s clearly not their fault.

The fault is clearly that the North is a state haunted by sectarianism. There are parts of the North where Irish white Catholics can’t live because of sectarianism. Just as we saw the homes of people being attacked by racists, this latest racism is no different from sectarianism.

The race riots seen in Belfast durning the summer are fuelled by sectarian hatred. Sectarianism and racism go hand in glove. They are two of the same hatred.

Seán Óg Garland, Belfast 10