A NEWTOWNABBEY school has been awarded £5,000 of funding to host a Special Needs Summer Scheme, giving children the opportunity to engage in fun activities in a supported environment.

The money was given to Hill Croft School in Newtownabbey by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.

This year, Hill Croft School is focusing on providing a ‘Recovery’ programme to support their pupils though the trauma they have faced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Activities will include sensory play sessions, Jump Jiggle and Jive, Fun with Drums and the purchase of new outdoor play equipment.

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Councillor Billy Webb said: “I am delighted that we can provide this funding to Hill Croft School who will use it to extend their Summer Scheme offerings and activities in a familiar environment for the children”.

Linzi Blair, Summer Scheme Leader in Charge added: “Summer Scheme is an extremely important week for our pupils who struggle with changes in routine, sleep pattern and general day to day activities when not in school.  

“Having worked on Summer Schemes for many years I can personally testify as to the priceless benefit our young people and their families gain from this”.