A NORTH Belfast man says his health has been affected after being plagued with sewage issues at his own home for eight years.

Ronan McNeill from Kinnaird Street says his house has had problems with sewage from the day he moved in.

Despite constant contact with housing provider, Newington Housing Association, Ronan feels it has got to the stage where he should be moved out.

"I have been living here eight years and have had sewage issues from the start," he explained. "Outside, the drains are not right. There is a strong smell of sewage from one of them. In the bathroom, the toilet pipe is leaking sewage. 

"Newington have been out numerous times but the issues remain unresolved.

"I suffer from severe epilepsy. I have been breathing in raw sewage for eight years and I have just had enough. 

"I feel it has got to the point where it is unsafe for me to be living here."

A spokesperson for Newington Housing Association said: "Newington Housing Association is committed to working with tenants to resolve repair issues as they arise and Newington staff have worked with Mr McNeill to address repairs issues in his home.

"In this instance a member of staff will contact Mr McNeil to establish what the issue is and how it can best be resolved."