THE SDLP are seeking an emergency meeting of the Council to secure a united call on the Executive to proceed with the procurement process for the construction of Casement Park.

Cllr Paul Doherty’s application for an emergency meeting follows comments from Prime minister Rishi Sunak and Secretary of State Chris Heaton Harris during a visit to Belfast on Friday.

The Prime Minister has insisted the government will make a “significant contribution” to the redevelopment of Casement Park but refused to say how much more money the government would be willing to put up or if it would happen in time for Euro 2028.

A motion submitted to Belfast City Council by Councillor Doherty states: "Belfast City Council calls on the NI Executive to immediately begin the procurement process for the construction of the new Casement Park, recognises that the ongoing delay by the NI Executive and the Department for Communities to begin this procurement process further delays the construction of the new home for Antrim and Ulster GAA and places in doubt the inclusion of the stadium in the UEFA 2028 European Championships, the largest international event that Belfast would have ever hosted.

"This ongoing inertia puts at risk the economic, social and community benefits such participation will provide and sends an unwelcome message that Belfast is not a city which is open to major sporting events.

"Furthermore, we call on the NI Executive and Department for Communities to engage meaningfully with the UK Government on the funding issue and to ensure the UK Governments commitments are delivered on.'

Councillor Doherty said Rishi Sunak made a "half-hearted" commitment to the project today.

“What we’re seeing is a gradual row back on commitments that were made to West Belfast and Gaels across Ulster that Casement Park would be built in time for the Euros," he said.

"Rishi Sunak came here and I’d be surprised if he could point at Casement on a map after his half-hearted commitment to provide an unknown amount of money at some unstated point in the future. At this stage of the game, it’s not good enough. 

“I work overlooking Casement Park and seeing the preparatory work has been a real lift to the whole community. This is a massive project that will supercharge investment in West Belfast – a community that wants, needs and deserves its fair share of investment in jobs and first class sporting facilities. 

“I have submitted a request, backed by my SDLP colleagues, for an emergency meeting of the council to address the latest developments and to issue a united call from every corner of our city that it’s time to get this project over the line to deliver on the huge potential of the Euros coming to Belfast.

"The Tories clearly can’t be trusted to keep their word, another reason to get them out of office in six weeks, so it’s time we applied political pressure to get this done.”