Holy Week provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the final days of Jesus' journey to the cross; his arrival in Jerusalem, washing the feet of his disciples, sharing a meal with a bunch of misfits; forgiving his enemies; and his death on the cross. That moment when he cries out: 'It is finished.'

Then we come to Easter Saturday. The day after his death, and the day before his resurrection. We cannot begin to imagine what his mother must have been feeling, having lost her precious son. Or his disciples, as they tried to come to terms with losing the one whom they had left everything to follow.

I've often wondered how the disciples who betrayed and doubted him were left feeling, perhaps rethinking their actions while Jesus' words, "Father, forgive them," began to sink in. 

Let's not forget the importance of Easter Saturday, that in-between place. The place between what was and what will be where so often our toughest lessons are learnt. 

Friends, Easter Saturday for me is a gentle reminder that:

• We must keep going through the dark times, even when there are no answers.

• There is severe pain in loss and often a feeling of not knowing what is next.

• Even when we feel as though God has abandoned us – He is still present.

• Our faith can feel completely rocked when all appears to be trampled on.

• It is okay to question, doubt and to cry out 'Why?' in the midst of our pain.

Easter Saturday reminds us that the place between is often difficult, dark and lonely. 

However, Sunday is coming. Light is coming. Hope is coming. Life is coming.

Resurrection Sunday reminds us that Jesus is alive and He breathes life into all that can appear dark and hopeless. Resurrection Sunday reminds me that death does not get the final word.

Have a blessed Easter.