A GREEN Party West Belfast rep is demanding action on the growing problem of pavement parking in the city centre.
Ash Jones, who stood in the Colin area in May's local election and has worked in the disability arts sector, said the issue is becoming an "epidemic".
Ash says the issue is particularly bad on Upper Queen Street, from where West Belfast-bound buses depart, with multiple vehicles seen parked fully on the pavement.
"Vehicles blocking pavements has always been a problem, but in recent months has become an absolute epidemic, with cars and vans often completely blocking access and forcing pedestrians on to the road," she said.
"Not only does this put people in danger of collisions, but it also proves particularly dangerous for wheelchair users and those pushing prams, who often cannot squeeze behind a poorly parked vehicle.
"I am calling not only for more considerate parking in the city, but also more diligent enforcement by the relevant authorities.
"If the Department for Infrastructure, which holds power over Belfast's streets, really wants to commit to a city that is safe to walk around, it must devote resources to keeping pavements accessible. Anything less is a dereliction of duty to the tens of thousands who use our streets every day.
"We deserve a city where anyone can walk, wheel or cycle without fear, and it is immensely saddening to see us go backwards in this respect."