COMMUNITY engagements are underway for potential plans for a youth campus in the Ligoniel area of North Belfast.
With a growing population, local political representatives have bemoaned a lack of facilities for young people.
One of the proposals includes a youth campus on the former Education Authority site on Squire's Hill.
VACANT LAND: The former Education Authority site in Ligoniel
Speaking this week after a series of statutory and community engagements in recent months, local Sinn Féin councillor Ryan Murphy said it was a "visionary project".
“Ligoniel is a rapidly expanding community bordering the Belfast Hills and like many areas of Belfast there are significant demands for available land," he explained.
“Increasingly many families are choosing to put down roots in this area which is fantastic, however the challenge is to ensure resources keep pace with demand.
“For the over 2,000 young people currently living in Ligoniel the lack of youth provision has been a serious problem.
“Over recent months, in partnership with statutory and community groups we have been identifying possible sites to address the under provision of youth facilities.
“Working with the Education Authority this community have been putting together a proposal to turn an existing empty site owned by the EA into a youth campus.
“Yes we are at an early stage of the project and as we know only too well the wheels of progress don’t always move as fast as we would like.
“This project if realised would include a state-of-the-art youth centre combined with sports pitches, something which would go a long way in addressing local need.'
Cllr Murphy said the site is a rarity given that it is empty.
"It would serve the needs of an area much wider than the local district and if planned and delivered with inclusion and need at its heart would be simply transformative.
“I’m committed to delivering vital resources for all young people and I'm confident we have willing partners in this vision with local community leaders and statutory agencies.”