THE Waterworks Residents' Association are calling on the Department for Infrastructure  to improve road safety for pedestrians in the Brookvale area of North Belfast.

An online petition is calling for the removal of all buses from residential streets in the area and a traffic management plan to meet the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers.

Terry McKeown from the group explained: "We asked for the corner of Broookvale and Antrim Road to be squared off to slow down traffic.


"At the moment, cars, vans and lorries are flying round and using the area as a shortcut. There have already been accidents at this spot. It is a very busy junction with people going to the Waterworks as well as local residents going to the shops, schools and work. 

"The current ramps are useless and the streets are full of potholes after years of neglect. After a series of meetings with DfI we got the dropped kerbs, but not the traffic management. 

"DfI say that the road needs to be wide to accommodate long vehicles. We're offering solutions for safer streets, but no-one is listening.

"The Waterworks Ward is at 1 and 2 in multi deprivation stats so it needs urgent action. We are not asking for all traffic to be banned, just some common sense actions.

"This is a long standing issue and one we have engaged with Department from 2018.

"Traffic chaos is making it difficult for pedestrians to walk through area, for children to play safely, and it is causing issues with emergency services. 

"We have had enough. It is now time for the Minister to take immediate action."

In response, the Department for Infrastructure said discussions with Translink were ongoing following a site visit last Friday.

A DfI spokesperson said: “The residents of the Brookhill area and the Waterworks Residents' Association made representation to the Minister to look into the possibility of relocating the BRA school buses out of Brookhill Avenue.

“Following a site visit, Minister Mallon asked officials to look at the possibility of relocating the buses out of this area.

“Discussions between DfI officials and Translink officials have been ongoing.  A recent site meeting was held on Friday, March 11, to seek clarity on Translink’s position regarding re-routing the buses out of the Brookhill area.  

"Translink explained the difficulties in changing the current arrangement, but the Minister has asked Translink to further engage with the schools in the area, residents and elected representatives to allay residents’ concerns.  

“With regards to enhancing pedestrian access in the area, following the site meeting held between the Minister and local residents in May 2021, DfI officials surveyed the Brookhill area for the provision and installation of dropped kerbs.  A dropped kerb scheme was subsequently completed in July 2021.

"Over the last number of years, in response to feedback from the schools and residents, Translink has reduced the number of departures from Brookvale Avenue/Brookhill Avenue to ensure only four scheduled departures operate from the stop on Brookhill Avenue, which then operate via Cliftonville Road.

"Other buses scheduled to depart from the Cliftonville Road stop, approach via alternate routes and do not use Brookhill Avenue."