A WEST Belfast man has been praised for raising over £2,000 for local mental health charity West Wellbeing in memory of two friends.

Ciarán Walsh wanted to raise awareness of suicide prevention following the death of close pals Declan Kavanagh and Robbie Mateer. He reached out to Ciarán Boyd, St Luke's FC U-19 manager, who offered him support to organise the event. 

The pair also approached Declan and Robbie's old club Celtic Boys to arrange a charity game with St Luke's fielding against the Bhoys at Brook Leisure Centre.

The event attracted over 300 people and raised a whopping £2,149, which was donated to local suicide prevention charity, West Wellbeing.

"I think it is brilliant that he arranged this event, and highlighted the need for people to reach out and ask for help and support in a time of need," said Gerard Mallon from West Wellbeing.

"A lot of people in our community are still uncertain about where to get that help and support so to have the opportunity to come along and talk about the services we provide in West Belfast was a great chance for us to reach more people and make them aware of the services we provide.

"They also managed to raise an amazing amount for our charity, and that money will go towards reducing the waiting list for children and young people needing support."