THE completion of a £33m Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme has been welcomed by residents living along the Lagan in the lower Ormeau. Over 3,000 homes and businesses will ultimately benefit from enhanced protection from tidal flooding, thanks to a £33m investment by the Department for Infrastructure.

The recently completed scheme involved the design and construction of flood defences (typically one metre high) along approximately 8.5km of the River Lagan from Stranmillis Weir to Belfast Harbour.

Welcoming completion of the scheme, Gerard Rice, Director of Service for Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group (LORAG) said: “LORAG welcome the completion of the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme and related mitigations.

"These offer the neighbourhood a significant long-term risk reduction from tidal flooding and these works should greatly reduce the impact should such a risk be realised for their homes and businesses.

"LORAG commend the contractor Charles Brand for their considerable efforts made during the construction to reduce the impact that such extensive works had on the community.”

Infrastructure Minister Liz Kimmins said: “Adapting to climate is one of my Department’s seven Foundations for a Better Future. While we cannot prevent all flooding from happening, we can reduce the impacts with appropriate infrastructure investment.

"The completion of this £33m scheme is a major boost for over 3,000 homes and businesses not only today but also for future generations as we bolster our defences to help protect against tidal flooding.

“Completion of this project means the city will be better prepared for future tidal flooding events, safeguarding both people and infrastructure whilst also promoting long term resilience."