CONCERNS are being raised about the increase in heavy traffic around the Grosvenor Road.

According to residents, in recent weeks there has been a noticeable increase in the number of large vehicles and cars using Servia Street as a shortcut to bypass the traffic lights at the Grosvenor Road and Falls Road junctions.

Now the local Workers' Party rep is seeking a meeting with the Department for Infrastructure to discuss measures to reduce the level of heavy traffic in the street. Servia Street is also close to two primary schools and a nursery school.

"Residents say the street has now become more dangerous because of the constant flow of lorries and large vans," explained Tony Walls.

"This is further compounded by the added problem of non-residents parking their cars on the street from early morning, going off to work and returning at around 4.30pm, oblivious of the problems they are causing.

"One resident said that children and adults crossing from one side of the street to the other are being forced to step on to the road into the flow of heavy traffic to look left and right before crossing, because their view of the road and traffic is obstructed by parked cars."

Tony said Servia Street is a busy street with a large number of pedestrians – many of whom are children – going to and from a row of eight shops.

"The entrance and exit from these shops are located on Servia Street," he added. "Cars parked here obstruct the view of drivers meaning they must drive out onto the street before turning right or left. In a residential area, a trip to the local shops or the daily journey to and from school for parents pushing a pram and supervising their older children shouldn’t pose such dangers.  

"Heavy traffic has a negative impact on residents causing noise, pollution, dust and danger. It can force residents to make adjustments to their lives and curtails the independence of their children. 

"The residents of Servia Street want heavy duty vehicles stopped from using the street except when strictly necessary for business, such as deliveries, building work, repairs or emergency diversion route.  

"The residents of Servia Street have legitimate concerns about the high volume of traffic on such a small residential street and non-residents parking in a haphazard way that creates dangerous conditions for those children who can’t see oncoming traffic from the safety of the footpaths."