SDLP West Belfast councillor Paul Doherty has called for an end to attacks on the fire service in the Colin area.

It follows six attacks on the fire service when responding to calls in the area recently, with 14 attacks across West Belfast over the past six months. Some of the attacks have taken place in the Stewartstown area in the vicinity of Páirc Nua Chollann, Bell Steele and Colin Connect.

Councillor Doherty, who is the SDLP Westminster candidate for West Belfast, said: “The fire service are at the end of their tether after being repeatedly attacked in the Stewartstown area in recent weeks.

"Fires are being started around Páirc Nua Chollann and when the fire service respond they are being attacked and pelted with debris, this is completely unacceptable and an undeserved attack on people who perform a vital public service. I have spoken to them directly and they cannot understand why this is happening. 

“Firefighters risk their lives every single day to save people and their possessions in our community. They also perform a number of other important duties that keep people out of harm’s way and we would be lost without them. The fire service should be treated with respect and I’m deeply disappointed that a small number within our community are behaving in this way.

“I am making a plea today for these attacks to come to an end. While the fire service are responding to incidents like this their attention is being diverted from more deserving matters.

"I would also urge local parents to talk to their young people and ensure they are not engaging in this kind of activity.

"Nobody wants to see a young person get into trouble or end up with a criminal record, but these attacks need to stop immediately and the fire service allowed to carry out their important work without fear of being subjected to this.”