AN MLA since 2007, Sinn Féin's Carál Ní Chuilín is hoping to be re-elected once again alongside fellow MLA Gerry Kelly in the upcoming Assembly election on May 5.
In the last Assembly term, her profile rose considerably when she was appointed Minister for Communities during a temporary absence by Deirdre Hargey.
⏰Time for real change | Am don athrú cheart
— CarálNíChuilín (She/Her) Deontóir Mé ✊ (@CaralNiChuilin) April 23, 2022
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In a sit-down interview with the North Belfast News, Carál began by talking the main issues coming up as she goes from door to door.
"The cost of living is an issue that is hitting people really hard, particular with food and energy bills," she explained.
"The other main issue is health, including mental health as well as special educational needs. Surgical waiting lists and access to GPs are a real problem for people.
"In terms of housing, we have nearly 4,000 people on waiting list in North Belfast.
"Traffic management is also an issue in the area as well as speeding."
In terms of tackling some of the issues mentioned, Carál says Sinn Féin have proposals in place with a particular focus on housing.
"North Belfast is one of the worst areas of housing need in the whole of the North," she continued.
"Last year, Minister Hargey announced the biggest reform of the Housing Executive in nearly fifty years.
"We need to increase supply of social housing and affordable housing. We have plans that public land would be made available for social housing.
"We want powers brought back to the Housing Executive to build houses. We also need better regulation for private landlords.
"No other parties have put forward any worthwhile plans for affordable and social housing."
Following the collapse of the Stormont Assembly earlier this year after the resignation of DUP First Minister Paul Givan over the Protocol, Carál has a strong message to the party.
"I haven’t heard the Protocol mentioned once," she said. "I don’t believe that the DUP in this election will not be getting asked by people to go back into the Executive. People want the Executive to work.
"This is a problem created by the Tories, who do not care about the people in Ligoniel no more than they do about people in Liverpool.
"There are issues with the Protocol in that the DUP are telling people they are going to get rid of it. The Protocol is not going to go away. It is an international agreement to mitigate the worst impacts of Brexit.
"The DUP energetically campaigned for Brexit and the Protocol is the result of it.
"The British Government have shafted the DUP on a number of occasions and will continue to do so."
With Sinn Féin and DUP having been in power for over 20 years, we asked Carál if things have really improved for people here?
"Sinn Féin is all about rights and we have a good record in standing up for people on issues around sexual orientation, age discrimination, Irish language strategy, Bill of Rights, etcetera.
"We were in power with a party that does not do equality and human rights.
"All parties need to put pressure on the DUP to go back into the Executive. People will not tolerate it.
"If people are happy to suffer at the mercenary hands of the Tories, that is fine. Sinn Féin did not by bringing in a mitigations package."
Carál believes she has much more to offer if re-elected on May 5 and has urged people to support her.
"I am a hard worker. I am committed. I know what the issues are in the community.
"I have enjoyed people's support since 2007 and I would not put myself up for election just for the sake of it.
"I believe the Assembly can deliver, albeit at times it can be ridiculously slow, but we can make a difference.
"I would urge people to vote for myself and Gerry Kelly and then go down the progressive list of parties who will deliver on investment, rights and support."