A FALLS councillor has called for immediate action to be taken to tackle mould and damp problems in homes in the Springfield Road area.

Sinn Féin Councillor Claire Canavan has said the conditions the residents are enduring are “completely unacceptable in this day and age".

As we reported last week residents living in three streets off the Springfield Road have launched a campaign calling for better housing in the area. The campaign calling for the redevelopment of Fort Street, Forest Street and Forfar Street has been launched by residents Róisín Lynch and Seán Doherty from the Beechmount Residents Collective. 

The campaigners have said the poor living conditions within their homes include black mould, dampness and an influx of slugs. The residents have also stressed health concerns after speaking with neighbours, many of whom complain of suffering from either constant sickness, asthma, or COPD.

Speaking with the Andersonstown News, Councillor Claire Canavan said: "There are residents in Fort, Forest and Forfar streets who are living in homes overrun by damp and mould. No one should be living like this in this day and age.

“Sinn Féin is working closely with local residents to highlight these deplorable conditions with the Housing Executive, private landlords and other agencies. We recently met with Environmental Health who have agreed to visit affected homes to inspect the dampness and mould.

“Clonard Residents' Association have compiled a report which provides a shocking overview of the issues faced by residents. We will be presenting this report to housing providers and demand they take immediate action to tackle these unacceptable conditions.

“Sinn Féin will continue to campaign with local residents until all outstanding issues are addressed.”