TRIBUTES have been paid to a popular North Belfast priest, described as "much-loved" and "respected".
Fr James (Jim) Madden died suddenly after taking ill on July 13. A former prison chaplain to the US army and later chaplain in jails in the North, Fr Madden (61) previously served in St Mary's Parish.
Last year, he became administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in the Oldpark.
Paying tribute, Fr Eddie McGee from the Diocese of Down and Connor said: "It was with great sadness that the Bishop Treanor heard of Fr Jim Madden’s sudden death on Wednesday, July 13.
"His grieving family and the people of the diocese are still trying to come to terms with the shock of his death and, especially, the parishioners of Sacred Heart where he was a much loved and respected priest.
"Fr Jim Madden O Praem, a Norbertine Father, has ministered in the Diocese of Down and Connor since he arrived in 2012. Since 2012, he ministered at weekends in several parishes and from April 2015 he ministered as a Chaplain within the Northern Ireland Prison Service.
"As a prison chaplain, he has given outstanding service to prisoners, their families and the prison staff.
"He will be greatly missed by all throughout the diocese, especially in the parish of Sacred Heart where he has ministered over the past year.
"On behalf of the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Down and Connor, Bishop Treanor offers his condolences to Fr Madden’s family and the Norbertine family.”
Sacred Heart Boys PS wrote on Facebook: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Fr James Madden, administrator of Sacred Heart Parish, who has passed away suddenly".