PUPILS at Gaelscoil Éanna in Glengormley have learned about fire safety after a visit from the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS).
The visit was part of their Safety Team Schools Programme for Primary Five school children. The programme is designed to teach the children the dangers of fire and how to make their home safer.
Each year, the NIFRS aim to deliver this programme face-to-face with every Primary Five class across the North.
Clíodhna Campbell, P5 teacher at Gaelscoil Éanna, said: "Every year the NIFRS come and visit our P5 class. They give a fire safety talk and talk about tips about fire safety in the home. Every child goes home with a fire safety pack.
"The children are old enough to be sensible and aware of fire safety. I think it is a great initiative from the NIFRS."