THE Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children in West Belfast has opened a new virtual learning suite to help staff who work with children who have complex medical needs. 

B-Hive (Belfast Highly Immersive Virtual Environment) is an immersive simulation pod to be used as a virtual learning environment. It is the first immersive learning environment to be installed in a healthcare suite or facility in the North.

It is the result of several years of development and planning by the Simulation Education Team at the hospital. It is supported by the Children’s Hospital Charitable Funds and RBHSC Helping Hand Charity. 

The new simulation pod will be used for staff and student training, patient and parent involvement, simulation based education and technology enhanced educational research.

With the recent introduction of the new digital records system encompass at Belfast Trust, the new space will help further immerse staff and students in a digital learning environment. 

Consultant Paediatrician Dr Ben McNaughten said: “We are delighted to announce the opening of B-Hive. This learning space is the first of its kind in a clinical setting in Northern Ireland.

"It will provide healthcare professionals and students based in RBHSC with unique access to an innovative clinical learning resource and will transform how we provide inter-professional education.”

Simulation Education Fellow, Kate Mullan said: “This new space will also be used by hospital teachers, Health Play Specialists, social workers and others to work alongside families and patients. We know that a hospital stay can be stressful, so it is fantastic that this suite can be used as a sensory room that will provide fun, stimulation and relaxation for children.

"Not only will we be able to train our current and future healthcare professionals in a safe, immersive environment, we hope to provide a sanctuary for our patients and families in the years ahead.”