A WEST Belfast singer-songwriter is set to release his debut album later this year.

Stephen McCorry from Lenadoon began busking in Belfast before moving to North America and performing on the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles. He is now based in Vancouver, Canada.

His signature raspy voice and thought-provoking lyrics have been charming audiences and drawing fans from all over the world for the better part of a decade. 

His debut album, ‘Gliding Amongst The Crows’, recorded at Afterlife Studios in Vancouver, showcases horn arrangements by the renowned Irish saxophonist and Glen Hansard bandmate, Michael Buckley, as well as the magnetic vocals of English singer-songwriter Phoebe Katis. 

Featuring 12 original songs self-produced by McCorry, the album invites the listener along on an eclectic emotional journey.

"Busking has a lot of risks, from living in my car to having my guitar stolen, but it can have a lot of rewards too. Busking is a great leveller," he explained.

"You meet every type of person on the street, and much of my musical support has come from the friends, fans and collaborators I’ve met on the road."

The first single from the album, 'Unlucky', will be released on Friday, May 25.

The track captures the rose-tinted thrill of a new crush, featuring vibrant horn arrangements inspired by the jazz standards of the Great American Songbook, and evokes shades of early Van Morrison and Bruce Springsteen. 

‘Gliding Amongst The Crows’ will be independently released this year.