HISTORICAL institutional abuse campaigner Margaret McGuckin has published a new book detailing her own personal heartbreaking story and heartwarming fight for justice.
‘I Did This For You’ is the story of one woman's journey to become a voice for the voiceless in the residential care system in the North.
Her campaigning led to the 2017 Historical Abuse Inquiry that found that church, charitable and state homes were the scenes of widespread abuse over several decades.
Last year, Ministers from the five Executive parties at Stormont issued a public apology to the victims of historical institutional abuse.
Margaret also co-founded SAVIA (Survivors & Victims of Institutional Abuse), a charity set up to give a voice to victims of child abuse in the North.
Margaret was just three-and-a-half-years-old when she was placed in the care of the Good Shepherd nuns at Nazareth House in South Belfast.
"I have spent 15 years campaigning and people always said to me about writing a book," she explained.
"When I started, the memories seemed to be pouring out of me. I always loved writing and expressing myself.
"The front cover is a picture of me as a three-and-a-half-year-old child. I talk about that person in the third person, even though it is me."

The book is dedicated to her brother, Kevin who was also abused in care and died earlier this month.
"I was three-and-a-half and Kevin was four when we were put into Nazareth Lodge," she continued. "We were all separated. Kevin was a lovely child and it was like he was set apart to be abused in this life of his. All he did was smile and he was just taken advantage of.
"The abuse started in Nazareth Lodge and continued in Kircubbin with the Christian Brothers and a priest. He ended up telling me this and how he was given sweets and made to play love games.
"Kevin wasn't meant for this cruel world. He was abused violently and horrendously by those who were supposed to be caring for him.
"He will be sadly missed and always remembered for his kindness."
Margaret has a simple message for anyone who reads the book- – do not be ashamed anymore if you suffered abuse.
"I don’t want people to be ashamed anymore. I held everything in until 15 years ago. I would encourage anyone to speak out because it eats you up inside.
"Grown men from the Falls Road, Shankill and beyond have spoken to me about their abuse because they felt they could do because I am one of them.
"It is not a taboo subject anymore. There is help available today that wasn’t there before.
"The enquiry covered everywhere. It has spiralled across the world and more people are speaking out about being abused.
"When I was writing the book, I kept closing the laptop and coming back to it. I feel much lighter now that it is done.
"I still think sometimes was that really me and how was it allowed to happen? I believe by speaking out that I have helped millions of people."
To purchase a copy of the book, you can contact Steven McCann on 07549157287.
The book is also available to buy in No Alibis Bookshop in Botanic Avenue, Little Acorns in Derry and Bridge Books in Dromore. It is priced at £14.99. You can also purchase it online at Amazon here.
You can contact Margaret McGuckin on 07711115424 or email mags4savia@hotmail.co.uk.