A NEW building for Whiterock Children's Centre has moved a step closer after £500,000 was secured from Belfast City Council.

In December, planning permission was granted for 62 social housing homes on the former Belfast Metropolitan College campus, which is currently the home of Corpus Christi Boxing Club and the Whiterock Children’s Centre. 

A new building for Whiterock Children’s Centre is included in the plans, but the centre faced a funding shortfall to make up for what is needed to progress the project.

Co Tyrone developers Newpark Developments have agreed to make a contribution but more is needed to ensure the future of Whiterock Children’s Centre on the site. The centre recently applied to Belfast City Council for funding of £500,000 which was secured following last week's monthly meeting.

Deirdre Walsh, Centre Director, expressed her delight at the positive step forward.

"It is one step closer to a new beginning for Whiterock Children’s Centre and the wider Whiterock community," she said. "It is long overdue. We are going to be part of the new housing development here which is fantastic.

"The area is going to change dramatically and it is a really exciting time."

West Belfast MP Paul Maskey said his constituency deserves first class facilities.

"There is still some work to do to secure the rest of the funding but I would be hopeful of achieving that," he added. "I am hopeful of work starting on the site in the next few months.

"I believe that West Belfast deserves first class facilities and the new Whiterock Children's Centre will certainly be that."

Local Sinn Féin councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly added: "We have seen Whiterock Children's Centre grow rapidly especially over the last few years.

"The work that goes on here is amazing. The services they provide go far and above their normal daily work, such as their huge Christmas appeal.

"They deserve a new facility and it will hugely beneficial for the area."