THE Parades Commission has approved an Orange Order march past Ardoyne shops this weekend.

The parade on Saturday morning, which will involve three Ligoniel lodges, is marking Orange Heritage Week and will involve up to 150 people, including a band, but no supporters. No music or drumbeats will be permitted.

The march is due to take place at 9am and last an hour, moving between Woodvale Parade and Ligoniel.

In July, a long-standing agreement over parades in the area between local lodges and The Crumlin Ardoyne Residents' Association (CARA) collapsed.

In its determination for this Saturday's parade, the commission stated it received “some evidence” that it “may result in damage to community relations, but this is not uncontested”.

“The commission notes the timing of the parade and measures to be implemented are likely to mitigate any such damage," it added. “In addition, any conditions which serve to restrict the parade to a very significant extent could also have negative consequences for community relations.”

It added it would pay close attention to participants’ conduct.

TUV councillor Ron McDowell welcomed the decision calling it a "common sense decision by the Parades Commission".

“I have no doubt that the three lodges involved will behave impeccably and with the short parade set to both begin and conclude early on Saturday morning any suggestion of disruption to anyone’s life is a myth.

“This has been a long running sore in Belfast. It is fitting that a resolution will mark the end of Orange Heritage Week.”