PEACE activist Jo Berry has spoken with young people from both sides of the community at New Lodge Youth Centre.

Jo spoke at length about her personal journey to find answers to her own questions in the aftermath of her father Anthony Berry's killing by the IRA in the Brighton Hotel Bombing of 1984. He was a Conservative MP at the time.

Jo focuses on healing through restorative processes which seek to find agreed resolutions and repair harm, rather than solely punishing crime and leaving victims with painful and unanswered questions.

During a Q&A, young people impressed Jo, posing interesting questions and having open and inspirational debate. One youth leader told her, “Your father would have been proud of the journey you have taken.”


CRJI want to extend thanks to Sean McMullan, Micheál, and Conor from New Lodge Youth Centre, for hosting this opportunity that showcased the true integrity of this community, and the ability of its youth to participate in meaningful debate about difficult post-conflict issues.