A NORTH Belfast boxing club volunteer has been honoured at a special awards ceremony celebrating volunteers in the sport.

Eamonn Corbett Sr from Sacred Heart Boxing Academy received his award at 'The Power of Volunteers - Celebrating voluntarism in Boxing' event in the Balmoral Hotel on Sunday.

Club Secretary Eamonn Magill said: "Big Hit isn't into all this kind of stuff and hates photos but I thought it was essential that I nominated him for it.

"This man is in the club 5/6 days a week not to mention traveling to training camps and out making sure the boxers are safe out running in the mornings amongst other things.

"He's 100 per cent dedicated to this club from the day he walked into it when he was a young boy.

"On behalf of the club, coaches and members we offer our congratulations to you Big Hit because it's well deserved."