POLITICAL parties across the North are preparing for a general election which is just six weeks away.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has ended election speculation, with voters going to the polls on July 4. 18 seats are up for grabs in the North.

Sinn Féin leader in the North, Michelle O’Neill, said the Westminster election is an opportunity to send a clear message to the British government that the systemic underfunding of public services must end.

“The Tory government has been a disaster for the people in the North – bad for the economy, bad for public services and bad for workers and families as the cost of living soared putting them under pressure," she said.

“It is time for change.

“The Westminster election on 4th July is an opportunity to send a clear message. That you want decisions about your life and your future to be made here in Ireland, and not in London."

DUP leader Gavin Robinson said the election will provide the people with a "clear choice" as to who they think is best placed to represent them and deliver the best outcomes for them.

Alliance leader Naomi Long said the general election is a chance for the people here to send a message that they want "positivity, progressiveness, responsibility and delivery" in their politics.

SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood said the general election will give people the opportunity to remove the Tory government from power.

“It has taken 14 years but I’ve finally found something that I agree with this Tory government on – it is time for an election," he said.

"People will now have an opportunity to cast their verdict on not just the last five years of chaos, pain and turmoil but the last 14 years of government that has left communities across Northern Ireland far worse off."

People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll said his party will fight the upcoming Westminster election to provide a socialist voice against the Tories and their functionaries at Stormont.