THE operator of a South Belfast restaurant has been fined £2500 at Belfast Magistrates’ Court in relation to food hygiene offences. 

The prosecution was taken by Belfast City Council against the food business operator of Kanto Asian Fusion take-away on the Stranmillis Road, following a complaint visit regarding the accumulation of waste to the outside of the premises on March 23, 2023. 

During inspections inside the premises, Environmental Health Officers found Kanto Asian Fusion was not pest-proofed and there was an active mouse infestation. The premises were not kept clean and the food business failed to ensure the premises were free from pests.

The food business operator agreed to close voluntarily. The premises re-opened on March 27, 2023 as officers were satisfied sufficient measures had been taken to remove the imminent risk to public health. A food hygiene rating of 1 was issued as a result of the re-opening inspection, taking into account the reasons for voluntary closure. 

The premises has since been re-rated following a further inspection where hygiene conditions within the premises were deemed to be at satisfactory standard and a food hygiene rating of 4 was issued. 

The food business operator, Kanto Asian Fusion Ltd, was also ordered to pay £150 legal costs and court costs of £34.