The Aisling Awards are back for their 26th year and TG4 will be sponsoring the Roll of Honour Award. This year, the Aisling Awards will be held in the Europa Hotel on November 25. 

The Aisling Awards embody the very best of Belfast and the people and organisations who are at its centre. The Belfast Media Group will celebrate its 50th anniversary in November making this year's Aisling celebrations even bigger and better.

Deirdre Ní Choistín, Communications Manager TG4 said: “TG4 has sponsored the Aisling Awards for almost 20 years. The Awards recognise individuals and community groups who are providing valuable services to the community of Belfast and the surrounding areas of the city. The Irish language is central to the approach of the Awards and can be seen strongly in various aspects related to the organisation of the event.

“TG4 recognises the importance of the Awards in recognising proposals and events that are improving lives, often for people who are on the margins and are not entitled to other state support. The Aisling Awards fit strongly with the spirit of Súil Eile TG4 as well as the importance and emphasis that the organisers place on our native language.”

Suzanne Wylie

Suzanne Wylie

This year, the TG4 Roll of Honour Award will go to Suzanne Wylie. Suzanne was the first woman to lead Belfast City Council. Earlier this year, she left Belfast City Council to take up the post of Chief Executive of the Government of Jersey.

In her seven and a half years as Chief Executive of Belfast Council, Suzanne was the adviser to eight diverse political parties and reshaped the organisation and its capability to deliver a 25-year plan, growing jobs, investment in infrastructure and community assets.

Under her stewardship, the city shone on the international stage. She also worked in partnership with political leaders to tackle glaring inequalities.

Her most notable achievement before leaving to take up her new posting was to lead the team which secured the £850m Belfast Region City Deal.  

In February of this year, Suzanne moved to Jersey to take up the role of CEO of the Government of Jersey and Head of the Public Service, where she has been working with Ministers on the cost of living crisis, a new hospital project and the Jersey Government Plan.