WAITING can be difficult – especially for those of us who are impatient. All of us share the pain, anxiety, uncertainty and sense of ‘how long?’ as we adjust to living life with Coronavirus. This pandemic has robbed many of us of our health, time spent with loved ones, jobs, education, and so on. We find ourselves occupying a strange place between.
It can feel unbearable at times, crushing even, and can seem longer and longer with each passing hour. For most of us, it’s the time in between that’s the foggiest. It’s the time in between that proves our character. It’s the time in between that makes us or breaks us. Confusion sets in. Hopelessness sets in. Doubt sets in. A lack of understanding sets in.
Coping sets in. Disillusionment sets in. Cynicism sets in. Unbelief sets in. Do whatever you must do to see this season through, because the place between prepares you for what is next – for you. Choose to believe that there is nothing more profound than this moment you are living right now.



Don’t lose heart. Don’t dare give up. This season will pass.
May we all learn to wait well.
The Place between…
The place between what was and what will be,
‪The place where you wonder what’s next,
The place where decisions must be made.
‪The place where you have no option but to wait.
To be still. To remain. To wait.