A TURF Lodge man is calling on statutory agencies to step up and tackle weeds across the area.

Patrick Loughran from Norglen Parade contacted the Andersonstown News to express his anger at the state of footpaths and concrete steps which are covered in weeds throughout Turf Lodge.

"The weeds are everywhere across Turf Lodge," he explained. "There are a number of particular bad spots in the area. I have seen kids playing near them and the weeds are so long you can’t see any rubbish or dog foul.

"There are also steps near me and when it rains, the weeds become very slippy and it is very dangerous for people walking down them.


"The people of Turf Lodge deserve better."

Ursula Meighan, Workers' Party representative for Black Mountain, said she had been approached by a number of residents about the issue.

"I am calling for statutory agencies to take immediate action to control the growth of weeds along footpaths, verges and steps in the estate.

"There is widespread growth of invasive weeds around pavements and kerbs that are causing trip hazards.

"Another major concern is the problems caused by the weeds growing on the steps in the estate which are in constant use. 

"They have become a danger to use, especially at night with poor street lighting. When it is raining the steps become very slippery and pose a real risk of serious injury especially to our older residents and young children.

"Working class housing estates deserve better than this. They already suffer from multiple deprivations and poverty and the estates should not look like they are covered in tumbleweed."

A Department for Infrastructure spokesperson said: “The Department has no specific statutory obligation to remove weeds, other than in relation to the control of noxious weeds and has policies and procedures in place in relation to weed control.  

"DfI has been operating in a challenging budgetary position for some time due to underfunding and this has had an impact on all maintenance activities. 

“The Department will programme the maintenance of footpaths within the Norglen Parade area, which will be completed when resources permit. Dog fouling is a matter for the local council.”

The spokesperson added: “The public can report an issue with roadside grass, weeds, hedges or trees at https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/roadside-grass-cutting-weeds-and-overgrown-hedges-or-trees.”