AN emergency meeting of West Belfast statutory, community and voluntary representatives has reiterated support for ethnic minority families in the community.
It comes after a number of Muslim businesses were targeted across the city in recent days.
The meeting was chaired by Deirdre Walsh from Whiterock Children's Centre.
"We unequivocally condemn the recent acts of violence and intimidation directed towards our ethnic minority families and communities," said Deirdre.
"We are deeply saddened and outraged by these acts of racism that aim to divide and instill fear among our neighbours and friends. Such actions have no place in our society, which should be founded on principles of respect, equality, and unity.
"Our thoughts and solidarity go out to everyone who has been impacted by this senseless violence. The families and individuals targeted in these attacks are an integral part of our community. Their contributions to our cultural, social, and economic life are invaluable, and we stand side by side with them in this challenging time and in the times ahead."
Deirdre said community activists in West Belfast want to "stand in solidarity" with targeted communities.
"We will not allow the actions of a few to undermine the values of inclusivity, respect, and unity that we all have worked so hard to build upon," she added.
"We are committed to fostering a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for all families and children and will continue to work together to promote understanding and harmony within our community. We believe that through education, dialogue, and collective action, we can overcome the fear and ignorance that fuel such acts of hatred.
"Racism, in any form, is abhorrent and must be challenged at every level. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our communities are safe, welcoming, and inclusive for all. We call upon all residents, community leaders, and authorities to work together to combat racism and support those affected by these incidents."
Anyone affected by the anti-minority campaign is urged to get in touch with local community leaders.
"If you or someone you know has been affected by these recent events and needs support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us," explained Deirdre. "We are here to help and ensure that everyone in our community feels secure and supported."