A NEW mural has been unveiled in Ballymurphy that celebrates some of the many working class heroes of the community. The mural was unveiled in Glenalina Crescent on Sunday.

Sinn Féin councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly said: "I was honoured to chair the official unveiling of this powerful and symbolic piece of art that celebrates some of the many working class heroes of our community.


"As a young woman born and reared in Ballymurphy and as an elected representative to Belfast City Council I am very aware of the gains that our community has made.

"That is because of those that have gone before us and who have dedicated their lives to making Ballymurphy a better place and to building a new Ireland. Those are the working class heroes we celebrate and commemorate today. 

"I want to commend the work of the committee that have delivered this powerful piece of art work. I want to congratulate every single person who played a role no matter how big or small. Tá obair iontach déanta ag gach daoine a bhí baint acu leis."