A FORMER bunscoil site in North Belfast, which has been plagued with anti-social behaviour and vandalism in recent months, is to be secured by the Housing Executive.

In July, the North Belfast News reported on calls from residents and a local community group to secure the former site of Bunscoil Bheann Mhadagain in Wyndham Drive. It came after fires were lit and windows of the derelict building were smashed.

Speaking this week Sinn Féin councillor Nichola Bradley said: “I welcome the commitment from the Housing Executive to secure the former bunscoil site at Torrens after we had joined with residents in calling for action.

“This site has been the centre of much anti-social behaviour in recent times which has made local people’s lives a misery.


“The Housing Executive has agreed to secure the site properly and cut down and remove overgrown vegetation which was providing cover.

“This resource is very important in the future plans for service provision in the area and must be protected.

“Unfortunately fire fighters had been forced to come to this site on several occasions wasting their valuable time and diverting them from their essential work.

“I’m hopeful that this action by the Housing Executive will curtail the vandalism at the site and enable the community to proceed with plans for the site.

“I’d like to thank local people for their help and support and hope they can have some peace when the work is completed.”