THE daughter of murdered West Belfast greengrocer Harry Holland says the family have been "retraumatized" after his killer was sent back to prison this week.

In 2009, 18-year-old Stephen McKee from Ballymurphy Road was given 12 years for murder after he stabbed Harry in the head with a screwdriver. Harry Holland was killed in September 2007 after returning home from a pub quiz. The 65-year-old was stabbed near his Norfolk Drive home. 

McKee is once again behind bars after having his licence revoked, following allegations of "serious reoffending".

Mr Holland's daughter Sarah said the family is "retraumatized" every time that Mr McKee makes the headlines.

Killer Stephen McKee

Killer Stephen McKee

"We were told that Stephen McKee had his license revoked for the second time for allegations of very serious reoffending. They couldn't tell us exactly," she explained.

"My dad's anniversary is coming up next month on September 12 and every time Stephen McKee hits the headlines we are totally retraumatized.

"It brings it all back what happened to my dad, who suffered such a horrific death. It is very traumatic for us.

"Stephen is a very violent and dangerous man and is not someone who should be on the streets. The community does not want him around.

"He has never expressed any remorse for what he done. He never understood the impact of the murder on our family or the community.

"I am glad he is back behind bars."