GERRY Adams says that a reported claim by U2 lead singer Bono that he and his wife were targeted by the IRA is “news to me and to anyone else close to republican thinking”.
Writing in this week’s Andersonstown News, the former Sinn Féin President admitted he’s a big fan of U2’s music and Bono’s voice. And he added that he’s also an admirer of the work that Bono has done in highlighting issues of social injustice around the world.
But he expressed bemusement at reports ahead of the publication of the singer’s new book that the IRA were on the trail of him and his wife.
Mr Adams writes: “I understand from press reports that he says his wife Ali and he were targets for the IRA. That’s news to me and I’m sure to anyone else close to republican thinking back in the day.”
Gerry Adams also addressed other newspaper reports claiming that he hates Bono, denying the claim and pointing out that he believes hate is a “wasted negative emotion”.
He adds: “Bono is also quoted in some news reports claiming that I hate him. Nope, Paul, not me. You must be mixing me up with someone else. I don’t hate anyone. It’s a wasted negative emotion. I do detest imperialism – a good old fashioned word. Greed. Cruelty. Unbridled capitalism. War. Poverty. I believe in freedom. Solidarity. Equality. Community. Socialism. The Arts.”
While praising the Dubliner for throwing the damage inflicted by the west on the developing world into focus, Mr Adams was less complimentary about Bono’s occasional comments on his home land.
“Some of your commentary on the conflict here was shrill, ill-informed and unhelpful,” he writes. “However, you weren’t on your own. You echoed the Irish establishment line. It was the wrong line for decades. A failure of governance and the abandonment of responsibility to lead a process of peace and justice. Thankfully that changed. But it took a long time. Despite this some of us got through it all. With or without you.”
You can read all of Gerry Adams’ column in this week’s Andersonstown News.