A RACIST arson attack on a restaurant in the Newtownabbey area of North Belfast has been branded "sickening and deplorable".

Steam Dining on the Ballyclare Road was destroyed after being set alight at about 1.50am on Wednesday morning. The adjoining Railway Bar was also extensively damaged.

Racist graffiti reading 'Muslim out' was also daubed on the premises.

Condemning the attack, North Belfast Sinn Féin MP John Finucane said: “The racist attack on a business in Newtownabbey in the early hours of this morning was absolutely sickening and deplorable.

Sickening graffiti

Sickening graffiti

"This business operates to serve our community and employ workers. It is totally unacceptable that it has been targeted in this way.

“These disgusting and disgraceful attacks which are fuelled by racism, hatred and discrimination have no place in our inclusive and forward-looking society.

“Those intent on causing hate and stirring up division must face the full force of the law, and I would appeal to anyone who may have information on this incident to bring it forward to police.” 

A post on social medial from the Railway Bar and Steam Dining said: "It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of our beloved pub and restaurant. This journey, filled with countless memories, has come to an unexpected end. Our establishment, once a place of joy and community, has fallen victim to a devastating act of organised hate.

"This venue was more than just a business; it was a piece of history, a place that brought people together and created lasting memories. We are shattered and deeply saddened to see it destroyed. Your favorite local pub, a place that brought so much happiness to so many, has been brought to its knees. We were striving to grow, offering a wide variety of food and drinks, and our dedicated staff worked tirelessly to ensure every customer left with a smile. So many people depended on this place, our staff, our neighbours, and our community as a whole.

"It is heartbreaking to see this chapter end in such a tragic way. No matter our skin colour or background, we all share the same goal: to make a living, provide for our families, and offer a space where people can enjoy their time together.

"As a young Nepalese-British individual, born into a Hindu family, raised and educated in Belfast, I never imagined that my skin colour and religion would make us a target for such a hateful act. My sole intention was to run a business, provide jobs, and make a modest living. Unfortunately, the reality we faced was beyond anything I could have imagined.

"While this has been a painful experience, I sincerely hope that this crime marks the end of such hatred. The world is vast and full of hope, and we must continue to look forward.

"Thank you all for your unwavering support."

This is the latest racist attack in Belfast in the past two weeks. On Monday police said that an arson attack on a house in the Village area of South Belfast was also racially motivated.