PUPILS from Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School in Dunmurry celebrated the NSPCC’s annual Number Day last week with a range of fun-filled maths activities designed to make learning fun — while also raising vital funds for the children’s charity.
NSPCC Number Day is an annual event aimed at children in nurseries, primary and secondary schools, with teachers and pupils raising vital funds for the NSPCC while having fun with maths.
Maths Co-ordinator at Our Lady Queen of Peace PS, Clare Bergin said: "The children had great fun on NSPCC's Number Day learning about 2D shapes, counting and playing connect the dots.
“Celebrating numeracy in this way and incorporating the NSPCC Number Day teachers’ resource sheets is a great idea and fun for all."
The initiative also brought in a tidy sum for the charity.
Karen Walker, NSPCC Northern Ireland Schools Service Manager added: “Number Day is a fantastic educational fundraising initiative from the NSPCC, and we are thrilled that so many Northern Ireland schools participated this year.
“Thank you to Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School in Dunmurry and all the schools that took part. All of the money raised will be used to fund our vital services, including Childline.”