A Christmas Market fundraiser will be taking place this Sunday to help raise vital funds for a young West Belfast boy's medical treatment in America.

Nine-year-old Niall McCahey was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) in 2016. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a rare muscle wasting disease which primarily affects boys. 

Niall attends a clinic in America with access to therapeutic treatment but must travel every three months to receive the infusions, which cost between $8,000-$12,000 each time.

Niall has travelled to America six times for treatment and will be going again in February. 

The Christmas Market fundraiser will take place this Sunday 20th November between 12pm and 4pm at The Devenish.

There will be approximately twenty stalls, including a range of small local companies which sell candle melts, personalised Christmas items, cupcakes and homemade items as well as Avon on sale and a Crossfit stall. Every stall will have something different for everyone. 

“The Devenish have very kindly given the hall for free, then each stall holder will pay just £25 for their table. All the money that is raised from the tables is what will be donated to Niall,” said Niall’s mother Louise McCahey.

“Each stall holder will donate a prize from their stall and that will be also be raffled.

“We’re very very lucky, people are so good.”