JULY'S monthly meeting of Belfast City Council began on a sombre note as parties from across the Chamber offered their condolences to former Sinn Féin councillor Stephen Magennis on the recent passing of his wife, Patricia.
Councillor Arder Carson, who is a close friend of the family paid a particular emotional tribute to Patricia and Stephen, who he said were devoted in their love for each other and their children.
Discussing June's Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, Green Party councillor Mal O’Hara welcomed the approval of access to leisure centres for asylum seekers and refugees at reduced rates.
Some green wins tonight at council.
Making our city greener, more fair, connected and sustainable. pic.twitter.com/YADTQb2fT5— Cllr Mal O’Hara (Castle DEA) Belfast he/him (@oharamal) July 4, 2022
Regarding the long-standing issue of the erection of dual-language signage in Clifton Street, DUP councillor Dale Pankhurst said the signage did not meet the threshold of 66 per cent approval of local residents.
In response, Alliance councillor Michael Long promptly reminded him that the threshold had changed to just 15 per cent approval and the signage should be approved. After a vote, 39 councillors voted for and 14 against, meaning the dual-language signage will be erected.
On to the minutes of the People and Communities Committee and there was praise for a recent Cleansing Task Force meeting. However, councillors from across the Chamber agreed there was much work to be done around improving the city centre.
UUP councillor John Kyle then welcomed a major improvement in tackling anti-social behaviour issues around Belsonic this year but said there was still work to be done. He commended organisers for their engagement in tackling some of the issues affecting local residents.
Fellow UUP councillor Alderman Jim Rodgers raised his disappointment at the lack of progress in finding a site for a new cemetery in the city and said he wanted to see action on the issue.
On to the City Growth and Regeneration Committee minutes and a row over Belfast City Council's involvement in the MIPIM 2023, a real-estate market event in the south of France. Green Party councillor Áine Groogan called for Council to have no involvement in the event.
Cllr Groogan argued that "unscrupulous developers" did not offer any benefit for the city and accused the event of "blatant misogyny". Her comments were supported by People Before Profit councillors.
So we challenge the economic orthodoxy which has left this city in the state it’s in and instead go on a jaunt to southern France to hawk our wares to the highest bidder. https://t.co/M41CaRJKPn
— Cllr Mal O’Hara (Castle DEA) Belfast he/him (@oharamal) July 4, 2022
SDLP councillor Carl Whyte said the conference is not some "doomsday" event and it is certainly not “male-dominated.” DUP councillor Dean McCullough took aim at People Before Profit and Green Party objections. Green councillor Mal O'Hara hit back at his comments, saying his party was misrepresented.
A vote to send council officers only and not elected reps to the event was defeated by 32 votes to 19.
Cllr Groogan's proposal for Council to boycott the event was lost by 25 votes to eight with 18 no votes cast.
Green Party councillor Brian Smyth then welcomed the installation in September of bike storage facilities in Victoria Square and Castlecourt. He said he hoped they will be the first of many to appear across city.
There was just a single motion on the agenda to be raised on Monday evening, proposed by Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Michelle Kelly on the continuance of hybrid meetings.
“This Council supports taking measures to encourage a broader demographic to stand for, become elected and remain as local councillors," she stated.
"It recognises that hybrid meetings enable easier participation from those with young families and caring responsibilities and disabled people, amongst others, therefore, they are more likely to consider elected roles.
"The Council, therefore, supports maintaining a mixture of online and in-person access to meetings.
"Notwithstanding the outcome of the recent call for evidence from the Department of Communities on Remote/Hybrid meetings, the Council will write to that Department expressing its desire for the ability to continue to hold both full Council and Committee meetings in hybrid form.”
With Council agreed on the motion, July's monthly meeting concluded.