SOUTH Belfast Alliance MLA Paula Bradshaw has condemned a spate of recent bin fires in the Holyland area.

The fires occurred in the alleyways between the terrace housing, which are used to store Euro bins for the disposal of household waste. 

“This is just another example of how residents in the Holyland area continue to suffer for the thoughtlessness of others,” she said.

“All it takes is one lit cigarette to start a fire, and if no action is taken, then it may be only a matter of time before we see serious damage to property or even the loss of life. Some of these alleyways are extremely narrow, and in these circumstances, fires can easily spread and even potentially block escape routes from properties. It is extremely dangerous. 

“This occurred in my own Constituency Office last year when a Euro bin caught fire and having tipped over was blocking the rear exit. I completely sympathise with the distress this is causing constituents.

“Around this time of year, there is an increase in fly-tipping and the dumping of household waste as people move out of their properties. Not only is this an eyesore, but it is unhygienic and a considerable fire hazard. This year is no exception and we have been seeing the dumping of beds and mattresses in alleyways and out on the street. I reported a number of these to Belfast City Council who have had them removed. 

“I have contacted the Policing and Community Safety Partnership to arrange a meeting with myself, local residents, PSNI, the Fire Service and the Council to find solutions going forward.

"Residents have long been calling for alleygates in the area and I would urge Belfast City Council to introduce them at the earliest possible opportunity. Otherwise, we will continue to see these dangerous fires so close to people’s homes.”